Wednesday, 22 August 2012
IT is not difficult to understand why we must preserve our seas and prevent further destruction to the marine environment.

Considering that over 75 percent of the Earth is water, our seas and oceans are the lungs of our planet. They supply us with over 50 percent of our oxygen and absorb over 30 percent of carbon dioxide. Close to two billion people rely on the seas for food and their livelihood.

There is no doubt that our seas play a vital role in our planet’s survival and yet, so little is known about it, hence we continue to destroy her.

The marine environment harbors three main ecosystems, all representing the beginning of the marine food chain. These ecosystem consist of coral reefs, mangrove swamps and estuaries.

All these ecosystems are in dire danger. Our mangrove forests and estuaries are feeling the havoc brought forth by terrestrial activities. Soil erosion continues when the rains come and top soil erodes to the sea. The pollution and climate change continue to take their toll.

Coral reefs are suffering the same fate as ocean acidification, pollution and climate change persist. It has been reported that 85 percent of our coral reefs are dead or dying.

Take note: we are the heart of the Coral Triangle. The benefits provided by these ecosytems have no monetary value. Money and economic stimulus alone cannot save the marine environment.

Mangrove forests, wetlands and estuaries are not spared by pollution as they  continue to degrade due to ocean acidification and the fact that 40 percent of our rivers have been dammed, preventing valuable sediment to reach and replenish these ecosytems.

As the scourging heat continues to bear down on the United States, most of their agricultural produce suffer in what could be the worse drought that has hit the U.S. in the last 50 years. The price and supply of corn, wheat and soy have been affected. Never has it reached such a high cost as the supply will not be able to meet the demand.

The lives of most Americans will be affected as the economy and ecology continue to experience human-induced pressure of pollution and climate change.

While the United States is on fire, Asia is experiencing severe floods and typhoons. Our country has not been spared. This will trigger a food shortage and possible more Arab springs will unfold as the battle for resources is imminent.

Why do we need to reach this stage? Why do we need to mine and follow the old and destructive development model?

Why don’t we do things differently?

We must change our ways and recycle, reuse and maximize renewable energy.

To my surprise, there are multitudes of people who are unaware or don’t care about the sate of our dying planet.

Many of them are still stuck in old, consumptive and wasteful ways. They don’t even know that the air they breathe is toxic and the fish they catch, sell or consume contains high levels of mercury.

The ecology needs a massive stimulus to stop pollution totally and deter the prevalence of climate change.

We need a massive transformation in our ways, and we need it soon.

A stimulus of the environment – that is what we exactly need.


