Environmental Facts

Friday 4 May 2012
Recycling :
★ If 10,000 people switched from 0 to 100% Post-Consumer recycled office paper for one year, the collective    annual impact is equivalent to taking 230 cars off the road for a year.
★ Recycling just 48 cans is the energy equivalent of conserving one gallon of gas.
Since 1990, the paper recovered through US recycling efforts would fill 200 football stadiums to a height of 100 feet.
★ The most recycled consumer product in America is the automobile, with 26 cars being recycled every minute.
★ Every ton of recycled paper saves17 trees and 462 gallons of oil.
One pound of newspaper can be recycled into 6 cereal boxes or egg cartons.

Environment & Health :

★ The EPA estimates indoor levels of pollutants, on average, are 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor. 50% of all illnesses are either caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air.
★ One out of every three cleaning chemicals used in US schools has been shown to cause health or environmental problems, so switch to greener cleaning products.
★ The average home today contains over sixty-two chemicals. More than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been invented since World War II.
★ Topping off your gas tank can increase the amount of ground-level ozone and other air pollutants.


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